How to Upload Lor Interfolio to Aacomas

  • #ane

If you have your messages in your own interfolio account and desire send information technology to AACOMAS, this thread should give you a clear instruction.

First, go to your interfolio account and find the menu with all your messages. Click on the alphabetic character you wish to transport to AACOMAS, a new tab will popular upwardly, yous will detect a certificate email (reddish arrowhead), copy the email address.


Side by side, go to your AACOMAS account evaluation asking page, enter the recommender's name. Paste the document email from interfolio, cull a due date and write a personal bulletin/note, wavier etc. Then save the request.


Y'all should receive an email from interfolio in a twenty-four hours or ii to enquire y'all to complete the delivery, yous volition need to pay iv dollars for each LOR.
And then you will receive an e-mail from AACOMAS in a day (for me information technology was just a few hours) to confirm that the letter has been received.


  • #4

Take you checked your letter status with AACOMAS?

I used this method, and none of my messages were valid per AACOMAS. They showed as received, just were all "decadent".

Did you verify this worked with AACOMAS earlier posting this?

All my letters are completed, I cannot find the word "corrupt" anywhere in my app.
Evaluation Request

  • #half-dozen

Terminal edited:

  • #7

Right, it won't testify at that place, merely have you actually called AACOMAS?

I suggest calling them, asking them to open your letters, and so having them tell you if they are valid.

I have not. Did they tell you that your letters are corrupted? Exercise you know if it happen to anyone else? I will call them next Tuesday once they open up.

  • #8

This is splendid, thank yous!

2 questions if yous don't mind

1. You tin can pick and choose certain letters, you don't have to transport ALL letters from Interfolio, is this correct?

2. It looks like the waiver status doesn't get automatically get pulled from Interfolio, doesn't this leave room for foul play?

1. you have to do it one at a time (non sure how committee letter works here), all my letters are private letters
2. I am not very certain, merely doesn't the interfolio will marking the letter is confidential?

  • #10

FYI the AACOMAS twitter account retweeted Interfolio's instructions for uploading messages to AACOMAS:
Q: Can I send letters of reference which are on file at Interfolio to AACOMAS?
A: Aye. If y'all accept letters stored at Interfolio you lot may have these letters sent straight to your Do programs or submitted electronically through the AACOMAS application. To upload an Interfolio letter directly to your AACOMAS awarding, you lot may input an Interfolio-generated email accost in place of your letter writer's e-mail address.

I guess I should follow our president to open a twitter account.

  • #eleven

Final edited:


  • #12

FYI the AACOMAS twitter account retweeted Interfolio'southward instructions for uploading letters to AACOMAS:

Interfolio'due south detailed instructions for AACOMAS:
Q: Tin can I send letters of reference which are on file at Interfolio to AACOMAS?
A: Yes. If you have messages stored at Interfolio you may have these letters sent directly to your Practice programs or submitted electronically through the AACOMAS application. To upload an Interfolio letter straight to your AACOMAS application, you may input an Interfolio-generated email address in place of your letter writer's email address.

I wonder why Interfolio is posting this when nobody has confirmed if it even works. To clarify, it volition show as complete on the bidder's side of AACOMAS, just the files cannot actually exist opened on the AACOMAS terminate because they are "corrupt." This is a particularly insidious problem because even on this very thread the OP didn't understand immediately that information technology volition look hunky dory on our end, but in fact

the letters *will non open*

. You really don't desire to find this out in like, Oct.

I think Interfolio will be issuing a lot of $iv refunds shortly unless AACOMAS can de-corruptify the Interfolio letters.

  • #13

I wonder why Interfolio is posting this when nobody has confirmed if information technology even works. To clarify, it will show as complete on the applicant'south side of AACOMAS, but the files cannot actually be opened on the AACOMAS finish because they are "corrupt." This is a specially insidious problem because fifty-fifty on this very thread the OP didn't empathise immediately that information technology will look hunky dory on our stop, but in fact

the letters *volition not open*

. You really don't want to find this out in like, October.

I call back Interfolio will exist issuing a lot of $4 refunds shortly unless AACOMAS can de-corruptify the Interfolio letters.

I didn't aware of the "corrupt" consequence when I post this thread. But I don't think it'southward an interfolio specific issue since someone uploaded directly to AACOMAS and still "decadent". Volition call AACOMAS anyway.


  • #15

I didn't enlightened of the "decadent" issue when I post this thread. But I don't think information technology'due south an interfolio specific event since someone uploaded directly to AACOMAS and even so "corrupt". Will call AACOMAS anyway.

That's a good thought. I just had to be clear (sorry if I seemed abrupt) considering I know a lot of people will misunderstand this thread thinking that this method works. As you say, it might non only be restricted to Interfolio letters. I hope that is true and so that AACOMAS fixes everyone'south consequence rather than straight upwardly tells Interfolio people to simply bypass their system and send messages to schools directly (which is hella expensive)

Thoracic Bean

  • #25

I am and so glad I found this thread! I volition for sure but be sending my LOR'southward from Interfolio to the actual schools, since I'one thousand only applying to half dozen. Does anyone know if nosotros should send them now, later our application is marked complete, or after secondaries are received? I don't understand why AACOMAS doesn't mirror the AMCAS or TMDSAS letter service. Information technology seems it would salve u.s. and them a lot of hassles.

  • #27

Only an FYI. I as well sent mine in this way and they were all decadent when I called. :( Has anyone tried to get a refund from Interfolio? Did people go their decadent letters deleted from their their awarding?

I chosen them and they told me all my messages are bad. I take four sent from interfolio and one directly uploaded to AACOMAS by the letter writer. The lady over the telephone told me there has been high volume calls regarding this matter and the tech team is working on it. She said she would email me back in a week to give me update on this matter. I called interfolio and the person told me they are working with AACOMAS but sounds like they are blaming AACOMAS. Forgot to inquire the refund......


  • #28

Mine were corrupted also. I was told they were going to contact technical support and then call me back. That was yesterday morning, no call back yet.

Thoracic Bean

  • #31

Then I called AACOMAS today and they told me yous Practice NOT need to accept evals in for your application to be complete. You can select " I am not adding evals" and and so transport your alphabetic character directly to the schools when requested. For lab coursework, they said you lot don't need to write "lab" in parenthesis or annihilation like that and they will be verifying based on units since lab courses are typically four-5 units. Hope this helps some of you!

Thoracic Bean

  • #35

So if someone only wanted to use Interfolio and directly send their letters to each school, this is still ok to do?

How do I do this? I have to pay $19.99 for dossier then for each school?

Yep. You pay the $twenty to sign upward for Interfolio then I think information technology's $6 per destination. So if I'k sending 3 letter to ABC COM is volition be a total of $six if that makes sense. If I send three to ABC COM AND 3 to XYZ COM it'll be $12

  • #36

Has AACOMAS issued any public statement about this?

Thoracic Bean

  • #38

So y'all send it to each school electronically or is that U.South. Regular mail?

Are schools still using interfolio this bicycle or exercise they want it through aacomas?

Electronically through Interfolio. And yep schools are still using it, I would look on the schoolhouse websites to brand sure in example different schools have different procedures.

  • #39

I honestly think aacomas should combine the app with aamc since it works so smoothly. But anybody knows separating DOs from MDs is a very profitable business.

  • #42

Should we attach our CAS ID to the messages or should we just leave it as it is?


  • #43

Did this corrupted trouble always get fixed??


  • #46

I'll definitely call on Mon to verify that and report back.

  • #47

Yea it looks like they got it stock-still. You lot can use this method at present!

Recollect though, this service is not as versatile as AMCAS. Y'all do not go to choose which letters get to which schools. Remember this.

Can you explicate please?

From interfolio we tin can choose which messages to import right?

  • #48

Can y'all explain please?

From interfolio we can choose which letters to import correct?

you can choose which letter from y'all interfolio account transport to aacomas, but once the messages arrive aacomas, all the letters will become to all the schools you applied.


  • #49

Just called interfolio, they said that the 'Corruption Fault' was solved.


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